
Native Foodways


Sale price$15.00


Native Foodways is collaborating with the Kimberley-based Wattleseed Collective.

Together we are bringing you the most ethically sourced and delicious Wattleseed on the market. 

The wattleseed (Acacia colei) is wild harvested, dried, cleaned, and processed by First Nations Rangers and community members on Nyangumarta, Karajarri, Yawuru, Bardi Jawi, and Nyul Nyul Country in the Kimberley in WA. The wattleseed is then roasted, ground, packaged, and distributed by our First Nations led team at Native Foodways on Gadigal Country in NSW. 

By ordering, eating, drinking, and sharing this wattleseed you are supporting First Nations native food sovereignty. You are enabling First Nations' food freedom and self-determination. This product provides a pathway for First Nations people to have a greater opportunity to reclaim and heal Country, practice and strengthen Culture, and nourish and build Community. 

Wattleseed is and has always been an important part of First Nations peoples' diet. It has been part of meals and recipes since time immemorial. In the Kimberley region, women would collect the ripe seed and grind it into flour. It was then mixed with water and made into bread and cakes.


Wattleseed is used as a flavour enhancer and drink infusion. It adds a nutty essence to breads, cakes, muesli, and other sweets. It can also be used as a savoury spice alongside pepper, salt, paprika, or curry flavours.

We love it best as an afternoon cuppa. A health kick and pick-me-up. Instead of an afternoon coffee, we have a Wattleseed Latte or Hot Wattle. Simply add a teaspoon or two to hot water or milk and enjoy a delicious and healthy nutty drink connected to timeless Country and Culture. Sometimes we add a dash of cacao. 


Wattleseed is a nutritional powerhouse essential to everyone's wellbeing. 

Wattleseed is high in protein, 25%, with important dietary fibre (60%) and healthy fats (15%) making up the rest. 

Wattleseed is a great source of magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, and selenium. These are essential minerals that support healthy bones, nails, hair, and blood. The extra high levels of potassium and iron mean wattleseed is great for supporting heart and muscle function as well as supporting oxygen transportation in the blood.

Wattleseed has a low glycemic index (low GI) which means it breaks down slowly and gradually releases its glucose. This is great for maintaining low blood sugar levels which are associated with better health (especially for diabetics).