A Wiradjuri man born and raised on Wiradjuri Land, Jason has over the last thirty years worked in a range of leadership roles in the Indigenous sector, State and Federal Governments, and non-government peak organisations. Jason was recently the interim CEO of the GO Foundation. Prior to joining the GO Foundation, Jason was the inaugural Executive Director of the Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity (AFSE), an Indigenous-led collaborative social change Fellowship program at the University of Melbourne. He was also the founding CEO of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) and the Director of Programs and Strategy at Reconciliation Australia. Jason is the Chair of the Australian Indigenous Governance Institute (AIGI) and is a member of the Indigenous Advisory Group of the Art Gallery of NSW and the Indigenous Advisory Council to the AFL. He was the Independent Chair of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Indigenous Consulting (PIC). Jason is also an Honorary Associate Professor at the National Centre for Indigenous Studies (NCIS) at the Australian National University.
Jason is passionate about supporting First Nations native food growers and cookers. During his time as the CEO of NCIE, he led the development of a native foods catering enterprise, a native food garden, and developed a partnership with Aunty Beryl and Yaama Dhiyaan. Jason was also on the Advisory Board of Kaldor Project 32: barrangal dyara (skin and bones) which had a strong native foods component in collaboration with Jonathan Jones, Bruce Pascoe, and other cultural knowledge holders and teachers.
A native food Jason is loving right now: Macadamia